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Don’t Let World Water Day Pass You by This Year

world-waterFor most of us, when we need a refreshing glass of water to quench our thirst or to use the restroom, we have ample, safe opportunities right in our homes. However, for millions of people around the world, these basic things are not available. According to the World Health Organization, 663 million people are without adequate fresh water.

With the growing world population, that number is expected to rise to grow significantly. The momentum and the severity of water scarcity are what prompted the United Nations to establish World Water Day, which is celebrated every year on March 22. It is a day to draw awareness and to educate the public about the role that they have to play.

World Water Day and Water Crisis Facts

According to the WHO and UNESCO, 1 in 3 people don’t have access to a toilet; nearly twice the population of the United States doesn’t have access to clean, fresh water. The combination of these two means that less developed countries are primed for the proliferation of water-borne illnesses. It is estimated that nearly 884 million people die each year from water-related illnesses.

water-dropThe situation is so dire that the World Economic Council has named water scarcity the #1 global economic risk because of the scope of devastation that it could cause. This year the theme of World Water Day is “Wastewater”. Ways of treating waste water and reducing the spread of disease will be explored in detail.

Conserve Your Own Water

While it may seem like there is an endless supply of water right here at home, there isn’t. It is important for each of us to reduce our water footprint. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Keep a jug of water in the fridge to drink from, so you don’t have to wait for the water to cool to have a drink. Wash your veggies in the sink rather than running the tap. Steam them instead of boiling them in water. Don’t do laundry unless you have a full load. Don’t use the permanent press or extra rinse cycles. Don’t wash towels daily.

Water your lawn only when necessary. Put irrigation systems on timers. Use water from a rain barrel to water the garden. Don’t run the hose when washing your car. If you have pets, bathe them outside on the lawn so that you can accomplish watering the lawn at the same time.

Fix Leaks Upon Discovery

Leaks in your plumbing can waste a lot of water without you even knowing it. Get in the habit of inspecting your plumbing on a regular basis. Leaky shower heads and faucets are often fixed with a tightening of the wrench. A leaky toilet is often caused by a broken flapper, which is easy to remove and pop a new one into place.

In all cases, it sometimes makes more sense to call your plumber for help. Trained professionals can do a long-lasting fix much more quickly and efficiently.

Got a leak? We’re the ones to fix it today! Call Oliver's Plumbing at (608)-834-8767 in Sun Prairie, WI.

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